If you think you don’t need a zip tie, think again. Here are 16+ nifty uses


Need to fix your zipper in a pinch? Slip a zip tie through the zipper loop for a makeshift pulley to close the zipper.
Store Christmas lights
Untangling Christmas lights is a drag! Keep holiday decor more organized by rolling lights around your arm and then securing the strings with a zip tie.
Repair a toilet handle
Did the chain on your toilet handle break? Use a zip tie to secure the lever to the plug in the toilet until you can replace the chain.
Create storage space
Snag a few milk carton containers for a few dollars and hook them together with zip ties for an easy DIY storage solution on a budget.
Repair a bag handle
If your suitcase handle breaks unexpectedly, place a zip tie where the handle was attached and use it as a temporary handle.
Temporarily replace shoelaces
If your shoelace breaks while you’re hiking in the woods, keep shoes closed with a zip tie. Hang lights in the garden
Hang some cute tea lights or one of these adorable mason jar projects using zip ties around a branch or sturdy post.
Keep hubcaps attached to car
If your hubcaps have developed a sudden distaste for staying ON your tires, keep them in place by zip-tying the hubcap onto the tire. It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.
Organize office or craft supplies
Keep office or craft supplies organized by attaching plastic containers to a peg board with zip ties. You’ll have easy access to all of your supplies and an easy way to keep them together.
Contain electronic cords
Wrangle the unsightly cords to the TV, Blue-ray player, gaming system and cable box with zip ties. Gently pull the cords together and secure them in place with a tie. Out of sight, out of mind.
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