Life Hacks: The Easiest Way to Peel Kiwi Fruit



  • Cut off both ends of the kiwi.
  • Insert a spoon just under the skin, between the skin and the flesh.
  • Rotate the spoon around the kiwi, keeping it close to the skin. The goal is to loosen the entire skin without breaking the flesh.
  • Once the spoon has made a full circle, you can easily slide the kiwi out of its skin.

2. The Peeler Method

If you’re more comfortable using a vegetable peeler, this method works well too.


  • Hold the kiwi in one hand and use a sharp vegetable peeler in the other.
  • Carefully peel the skin off in strips, starting at the top and working your way around the kiwi.
  • Try to keep the peeler close to the skin to preserve as much of the flesh as possible.

3. The Cutting Method

For those who prefer using knives, this method provides precision and can be quick once you get the hang of it.


  • Slice the kiwi into your desired thickness.
  • Carefully cut the skin away from each slice. This method is particularly good if you want to serve the kiwi in rounds or use them for decorative purposes.

Additional Tips:

  • Choose ripe kiwi for the best flavor and easiest peeling. A ripe kiwi should give slightly under pressure but not be overly soft.
  • If you plan to eat kiwi later, leave the skin on until you’re ready to eat to help preserve its freshness.


Peeling a kiwi doesn’t have to be a sticky challenge. With these life hacks, you can easily enjoy this tasty, nutritious fruit anytime. Whether you’re adding it to a fruit bowl for a family gathering or blending it into a morning smoothie, knowing how to quickly peel a kiwi makes it all the more enjoyable. Try these methods next time and find your favorite way to peel and enjoy kiwi!