Magic Onion: How to Kill Cockroaches and Lizards Within 5 Minutes


  • Apply the Mixture:
    • For Cockroaches: Place small amounts of the onion paste in areas where you’ve seen cockroaches. Common spots include under the sink, behind appliances, and in dark corners. The strong smell will attract the cockroaches, and the mixture will kill them within minutes.
    • For Lizards: Spread the onion paste along window sills, doorways, and other entry points where lizards might enter. Lizards are highly sensitive to the smell of onions and will avoid areas treated with this paste.
  • Use the Spray Bottle (Optional): If you prefer a spray, strain the onion mixture to extract the juice. Pour the juice into a spray bottle and add a little more water if needed. Spray this solution in the areas where pests are commonly found.
  • Benefits of Using Onion as a Pest Control

    • Natural and Safe: This method uses natural ingredients that are safe for you, your family, and pets.
    • Cost-Effective: Onions and baking soda are inexpensive and readily available, making this a budget-friendly solution.
    • Quick and Effective: The strong smell and properties of onions work quickly to repel and kill pests.

    Additional Tips

    • Regular Application: For best results, apply the onion paste or spray regularly, especially if you live in an area prone to these pests.
    • Clean Environment: Keep your home clean and free of food scraps and standing water to prevent attracting pests in the first place.