Sock Fan Cleaning Hack


I gave the sock a good dousing in spray so that any dust would stick right on and not slide off onto my bed (which sits below this fan).

Next, I wrapped my sock around the fan blade and started to slide it down. You could do this with just your hand holding the sock, but in the video, she shows how to secure it with clothespins, so I decided to give that a go.

See all that dust? Yuck! We leave the windows open in this room a lot and we live on a busy corner, so we get a LOT of dust.

I secured the sock tightly with clothespins so that it would wipe the blade down as I slid it. Then, it was just a matter and sliding it down the blade, making sure to bring it all the way around the top when I was done to pick up those last bits of dust on the edges.

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