Teen Shows Off His GF’s Scrap Book Of 100 Desserts He Baked For Her, Family Is Furious

Expecting his family to be happy about it, he showed the scrapbook to his mom and sister but they were furious that he didn’t do the same for them
In this article, we’ll dive into our main character’s (CrackSnapYo) romantic life. The original poster (OP) is a 16-year-old teen who started dating his girlfriend about 2 years ago. Around the same, he also found the inner baker within him and started baking profusely. It was like a golden platter for his girlfriend because she had a sweet tooth and loved desserts.
As he kept experimenting by baking different types of desserts, he gave them to her for trial and she got to taste something new. OP admitted that he loved baking more than eating what he had made. But she was the exact opposite and loved eating everything he made, so much so that she counted every dessert that he ever baked for her and started documenting it.
Right when he baked his 100th dessert for her, she gifted him a scrapbook where she had documented everything. Turns out, she had stuck photos of each dessert that he ever baked also attached with pictures of him making it and her eating it. If that’s not sweet enough for you, hear this out, she dated every item, also writing a paragraph about each one.
She had been working on this for two years consistently and when she gifted it to him, she also gave him a long letter declaring how much she loved him, how happy and thankful she was for the desserts, and how extremely she was proud of him for his baking hobby. Did that just make you go, “Awww”? Because we sure did!
Being showered with such overwhelming love, the teen poster literally cried with happiness. He also wanted to share this joy with his family so he showed the scrapbook to his mom and sister. He thought that they would find it cute, but they were not thinking along the same lines as him. Rather, they were furious that he had spent so much time baking for his girlfriend and not them.
He must’ve been disheartened by this harsh treatment from his family. He confessed that he just got into the habit of making his girlfriend happy by baking desserts which she really loved. Confused by his family’s reaction, he went online and asked Redditors whether he was in the wrong.
The Redditors frowned upon the mother’s and sister’s jealousy. They said that he gets to choose whom he will bake for and they have no say in it. And if they really wanted to try his baked items, all they had to do was ask instead of giving him such a hostile reaction. Many people claimed that the resentment was unnecessary. And they sound right, as it was really sad to hear their jealousy spill water all over OP’s happiness.
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