That’s why you should add bay leaves to your washing machine during washing


Pre-amplify the bottle:
For a longer-pronounced effect, opt to pre-amplify the bottle.

Prepare a decotto facendo bollire 10-15 foglie di alloro in a liter of acqua for 3 minutes.
Brew it for 20-30 minutes before filtering and brew the solution.
Pour the infusion into a bacinella piena d’acqua and lasciare in ammollo il bucato per alcune ore.
Proceed with the washing as indicated.
For information,
this method is specifically recommended for the colored test. However, you should avoid the foglie di alloro, which may alter the tone slightly. In this case, it may be useful to adjust it due to dirty conditions in the washing cycle.

Perché adottare questo metodo?
In addition to all the unnecessary economic aspects, using it for the whitewashing cure will have nothing to do with an ecological and healthy approach.
A difference in chemical aggiunge, non-aggiunge sostanze artificiali ai vestiti e all’quaqua di lavaggio, contribuendo en preserver la ambiente.
In addition, this ancestral method promotes it to be more natural and practical in the environment.
Integrating the all-purpose fog into your washing routine is a natural, efficient and economical alternative, adapted at a time that is consistent with tradition even if it is a firm source of generation.