Make the homemade coconut milk-whip foam first.
Then arrange the granola, coconut milk whipping cream, and berries however you choose in a few glasses.
Put some fresh fruit in a transparent glass that is tall (or short).
Top with a generous dollop of handmade whipped buttermilk cream.
Additionally, top with a dollop of homemade granola.
When you have the necessary number of layers, keep going through this process.
Hand out the top half of the hardened coconut after opening the can.
Verify that the water behind the firm pineapple.
Use the entire can of coconut cream if using it.
Consume right away.
They didn’t include measurements because they wanted you to arrange the components however you saw fit. Use additional fruit if that’s how you prefer it. Add more granola if you want your food to be extra crunchy. Give the coconut milk whipped cream a big helping if you want your food to be extra creamy.
Any leftover coconut milk whipped cream saved for a few days in the freezer in an airtight jar.
Nutritional facts:
Protein: 5 g.
Potassium: 224 mg.
Calories: 260 kcal.
Cholesterol: 11 mg.
Sodium: 13 mg.
Carbohydrates: 41 g.
Fiber: 6 g.
Iron: 2 mg