Woman Shares Clever Tips For Bringing New Life To Wilted Roses


Afterward, immerse the stem ends in water.

Subsequently, dip the moistened stems in plant growth hormone, shaking off any extra.

The next step involves making a hole in the soil and gingerly planting the stem, taking care not to remove the growth hormone. Firmly pat down the soil surrounding it.

Sprinkle the planted stem with water until the soil is thoroughly soaked.

Approximately a week later, Velvet noticed sprouting! She now boasts a collection of rose bushes ready for transplanting into her garden come springtime.

Behold the new growth!

Check out the thriving young plants!

Voila! Why splurge on rose bushes when you can simply rejuvenate a wilted rose arrangement, breathing new life into them? A big thank you to Velvet Counts for sharing this expert gardening hack. I am undoubtedly going to give this a shot.