10 signs you are getting too much estrogen


5. Swollen hands.

Dr. Lam states that he often has patients who say they can't wear their rings anymore because their fingers are so swollen.
6. Can't wear shoes.
Unfortunately, the swelling doesn't just stay with the hands, but often in estrogen dominance, feet also swell, and women complain they can't wear their shoes anymore, too.
7. Belly fat.
Putting on excess weight, especially around the belly, tends to be a sign of estrogen dominance according to Dr. Northrup.
8. Foggy thinking and memory loss.
According to Dr. Northrup, those who may be suffering from too much estrogen sometimes feel like they're functioning in a dense fog. The memory is there . . . somewhere. They just can't seem to find it.
9. Endometriosis.
Dr. Lam shares that endometriosis may be a sign that too much estrogen is the culprit.
10. Cramps. Generally, as you get older, and definitely after having children, cramps tend to disappear. Dr. Lam says that women with estrogen dominance will often complain that their cramps are back like when they were first starting their periods.

Please remember that these symptoms can be for things other than estrogen dominance. If you are suffering from any of these and suspect that estrogen dominance may be the cause, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it. Let the professional give you the proper diagnosis and treatment. The good news is that there are ways to treat estrogen dominance. You don't have to suffer!