14 Ways to Clean Your Home with Lemons Without Using Bleach


Clean Tile Grout
Lemon juice can brighten and clean tile grout in bathrooms and kitchens.

Disinfect Cutting Boards
Rub a cutting board with a lemon and a pinch of salt to clean and disinfect it.

Whiten Laundry
Add lemon juice to your laundry rinse to brighten whites. For an extra boost, soak laundry in cold water with lemon juice and baking soda.

Clean the Inside of the Oven
Scrub the inside of your oven with a sponge soaked in lemon juice and hot water.

Remove Rust

Apply a mixture of water, salt, and lemon juice to rust stains on fabric, or apply lemon juice directly to rusty silverware or steel.

Shine Wood Furniture
A mixture of two-thirds olive oil and one-third lemon juice can restore the shine to wood furniture.

Clean Barbecue Grills
Sprinkle with coarse salt and rub with lemon to clean the grills.

Wash Windows
Spray a solution of lemon juice, white vinegar, and warm water on windows for a natural cleaning.

Repel Insects
Place lemon peels or use essential oils to repel ants, moths, and mosquitoes. Rubbing lemon peel on your skin can also repel mosquitoes.

Revitalize Sponges
Soak a dirty sponge overnight in lemon juice and warm water to clean and revitalize it.

Polish Copper
Maintain the color of copper objects by using lemon juice.

These lemon-based solutions are a natural and effective way to keep your home clean and fresh!