Aluminum foil ball in the washing machine: why add it, how it works


What is the need to add a foil ball to the washing machine? This simple method was discovered by hostesses even before the appearance of unique industrial laundry detergents and advanced models of household appliances. Cleanliness, softness and absence of static electricity – this is what ordinary aluminum foil gives.

Why do I need an aluminum bullet?

Even the new model of the washing machine does not guarantee stable washing quality. Mistresses solve problems with the help of additional means: powders, conditioners, etc. However, the remnants of pollution and static electricity do not disappear from life. This is where folk wisdom comes to the rescue: just roll a ball out of foil and send it along with the things to the drum.

The balls have several purposes:

  1. They give an additional mechanical effect to washable objects. This gives the best result without additional washing.
  2. They reduce the consumption of powder and softener. And the budget is saved and the washing machine is easier.
  3. Things will not only be cleaner, but also smoother.
  4. After rinsing, no stains remain on the fabrics.
  5. The film cancels the accumulation of static electricity on clothes.

Indeed, the aluminum from which the foil is made has the ability to eliminate static electricity. The problem of electrification is familiar to many: sparks can appear from one movement. If the edge of the washing machine drum does not cope with the task, help it with aluminum foil. If this does not work, the quality of washing will still be noticeably better.

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