Discovering a simple yet powerful method to clean Soviet cutlery can transform tarnished utensils into gleaming pieces that exceed expectations. Here’s how a straightforward technique rejuvenated inherited blackened cutlery sets.
Identifying Cupronickel Cutlery:
Upon encountering darkened spoons, it’s crucial to distinguish the material they are made of. In Soviet times, cupronickel was often used for cutlery, similar to silver, with the identifying mark « mnc » embossed on the utensils. Stainless steel cutlery typically bears « stainless » markings.
The Cleaning Process:
- Gathering Supplies:
- Place aluminum foil in a container.
- Arrange the tarnished spoons on the foil.
- Add two tablespoons of baking soda.
- Pour boiling water over the utensils.
- The Cleaning Reaction:
- Witness an immediate reaction as the cupronickel spoon begins to whiten within moments.
- Final Touches:
- Let the spoons soak for a couple of minutes.
- Remove and rinse them under warm water.
- The entire process takes about three minutes.
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