How to Clean an Iron


5. Remove Baking Soda

Wipe the baking soda paste with a clean, moist cloth after scrubbing the soleplate. Remove all baking soda.
6. Clean Steam Vents If Needed

Use a cotton swab or toothpick to properly clear steam vents of baking soda.
7. Final Rinse

To finish cleaning the soleplate, dampen another cloth and wipe it down.
8. Heat Iron

Reconnect the iron and set it to low heat. Run the iron over a clean, old towel or cloth to remove residue.
Best Results Tips:

Scrubbing the soleplate too vigorously could harm the non-stick coating.
Be careful around steam vents to avoid baking soda clogging.
Repeat if Needed: If the soleplate is really dirty, repeat the operation.

Baking soda is flexible and excellent for cleaning and maintaining your iron. With a little effort, you can remove stains, residue, and buildup to let your iron glide smoothly over textiles. This one-ingredient cleaning procedure helps preserve your iron and increase its lifespan!