How To Use Castor Oil To Remove Moles



1. Add the oil to the baking soda powder. Mix well to form a sticky paste.
2. Spread this paste evenly on the mole and cover with a bandage to keep the paste in place.
3. Remove the bandage the next morning and wash the area.
4. Repeat this every alternate evening until the mole is gone.

How Long Does It Take

Depending on the size, it might take a few weeks for the mole to shed.


Do not scrub with this mixture as it may leave a scar once the mole falls off.

2. Castor Oil And Garlic For Moles

Castor oil and garlic for moles
  • 2-3 drops castor oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder or fresh garlic paste

1. Mix the ingredients to get a thick paste.
2. Apply the paste on the mole and leave it on for a few hours.
3. Rinse with water and pat the area dry.
4. Repeat this remedy twice a day for quick results.

How Long Does It Take

This remedy will start showing results in a week.


If you are allergic to garlic, please do not use this remedy.

You can also add garlic oil instead of garlic powder or paste in this mixture to help remove your mole.

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