If you notice this detail on your watermelon, don’t buy it: everyone loves it


The perfect watermelon, in fact, must be sweet, fruity and juicy, but obviously before opening it it is not easy to understand if it really has these characteristics.

However, there is a trick that can help us understand  which watermelon is worth buying  and which we should definitely throw away.

The first tip is to carefully observe the watermelon and possibly identify  the presence of a bright spot  . If this bright spot is not present, it is best to leave the watermelon where it is, as it likely has not ripened enough and will not taste good.

If, however, we notice the presence of a  light and yellow stain  we can proceed with the purchase. Instead, the second tip is to look for a stem and check that it has a nice brown color.

Stem color and “shot”: techniques to understand if the watermelon is good

This detail in fact certifies that the fruit was harvested immediately after ripening. However, if the stem is still green, that means the watermelon was picked too early.

Cut the watermelon

The third tip is to  give the fruit a few blows with your knuckles  , as if you were “knocking”. If the sound is “hollow”, this means that the watermelon is full of water and therefore particularly tasty.

Finally, here is the fourth tip. Just apply  light pressure to the watermelon  , as if we were trying to squeeze it with our fingers. The fruit should not seem too soft or too hard.

When we find a watermelon with these four characteristics,  we can buy it without problem  . When we get home we can cut it and see how sweet and juicy it is.