Spiderweb Tattoo: Usually seen on the elbow, this tattoo is frequently seen on people who have served a significant period of time in jail or prison and have since joined a gang as a means of protection. Teardrop Tattoo: Depending on the gang, this tattoo has different meanings. It usually refers to a murder carried out on the gang’s behalf. “Three Dots” Tattoo: This design represents a gang lifestyle of “mi vida loca,” or “my gang life.” Those who have this tattoo are not part of any specific gang. Five-Dot Tattoo: Compared to a three-dot tattoo, a five-dot tattoo is more harsh and indicates a lengthy prison sentence. “MS” Tattoo: Often seen on the bodies of its members, this tattoo is connected to the infamous MS-13 gang, which was established by immigrants from El Salvador. Members of MS-13 are notorious for attacking innocent people at random.It’s advisable to keep your distance if you see someone sporting any of these tattoos.
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