Salt: pour it down the shower drain – something amazing will occur | Advice from a plumber


Always put salt in the shower drain. Could you please provide more context or text for me to paraphrase?

What is going on. Continue reading to discover a useful tip from a plumber on how to pour salt down your shower drain.

Is sea salt the same as table salt used for cooking?

Salt is healthy for the body. The numerous advantages of sea salt have not been scientifically confirmed. Many people think that sea salt is healthier than regular salt, but that is not true.

Because of the misleading information in advertisements about sea salt, a lot of individuals think it has significant health advantages. However, this is just an exaggeration, as its nutritional content is very similar to that of regular food.

No matter where it comes from, sodium is a mineral that our bodies need to stay healthy. In adequate amounts, specifically no more than 5 grams daily, it can be beneficial:
Regulates fluids and minerals in the body.
Control blood pressure.
Enhance the function of nerves and muscles.
Sea salt is very rich in minerals, which gives it many health advantages that regular table salt does not have. Here are some examples:

Boosts the body's defenses.
Aids in balancing the body's pH levels and controlling blood acidity.
Combat asthma.
Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
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