How to get rid of gnats? Gnats have invaded your home and are they bothering you? In addition to the chemical solutions available on the market, some very simple techniques allow you to eliminate them.
Natural ingredients and very simple tips allow you to get rid of gnats in no time. Here are 12 grandmother’s remedies, accessible to all, to get rid of these pests.
How to get rid of gnats in your home?
Vacuum: an essential step
To get rid of gnats, you must consider vacuuming on a regular basis. This will eliminate the clouds of gnats on your surfaces. When cleaning, be sure to enclose the dust bag in a plastic bag.
Using cider vinegar
To catch midges, make a preparation with a few drops of dishwashing liquid and a bowl of cider vinegar. Place this bowl in the middle of your kitchen so that the smell of the solution attracts the midges. Replace this mixture every day.
Use corks
Like mosquitoes, midges are sensitive to odors. They have a delicate sense of smell. To preserve your fruit, place a cork in the middle of your fruit basket.
Black soap to dislodge midges
Female midges lay an average of 500 eggs, on spoiled fruit and vegetables but also on indoor plants. To dislodge them from your plants, nothing beats black soap!
Tip: in a spray bottle, mix 1 liter of hot water with 1 tablespoon of black soap and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Spray your plants with the solution!
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