The Ketchup Dilemma: To Refrigerate or Not to Refrigerate?


To further investigate, Heinz conducted a poll to see how people store their ketchup at home. And the results were quite interesting! Out of all those surveyed, 63.2% keep their ketchup in the fridge, while 36.8% store it in the cupboard.

Now, some people may argue that ketchup doesn’t spoil quickly and tastes fine at room temperature. But here’s the thing: refrigerating your ketchup helps extend its shelf life and keeps it fresh for longer.

Still on the fence about whether to refrigerate your ketchup? Just remember what Heinz suggests. Why not join the majority and keep that ketchup bottle nice and cool in the fridge? It’ll help ensure your favorite condiment stays fresh and tasty.

So, where do you stand in this ketchup debate? Do you store your ketchup in the refrigerator or the cupboard? Let’s keep the conversation going and share your ketchup habits!