This keeps happening to me and I never knew why! Now I do! Did you know about this?


Use sunscreen to protect your skin from damage and moisturizing lotions to maintain skin elasticity. Avoid lifestyle factors that can lead to skin damage, such as excessive sun exposure and smoking.
4. Monitor and Manage Medical Conditions:
Keep chronic conditions, like diabetes and hypertension, well-managed under the guidance of a healthcare provider to minimize their impact on your skin and blood vessel health.
5. Use Protective Gear:
When engaging in activities that can lead to bumps and falls, like sports or gardening, wear appropriate protective gear to cushion impacts.
By understanding the underlying reasons why some people bruise more easily than others, it is possible to take proactive measures to reduce the occurrence of bruises and maintain overall skin and vascular health. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options related to bruising and any underlying medical conditions.