Throw a dish sponge in the washing machine: the magic trick that solves a common problem


The Dish Sponge Trick

Here’s how you can make your washing machine a no-hair zone. Grab a simple dish sponge; you know, the kind with the abrasive green side. It’s the ideal tool for the job. When you’re loading your washing machine, simply toss the sponge into the drum. Make sure it’s clean and free of any residue.

Hairs Stick to the Sponge

Now comes the easy part. Carry on with your usual washing routine. As the machine does its thing, the dish sponge quietly plays its role. At the end of your laundry journey, open up the machine, and you’ll be amazed. The hairs that once stuck to your clothes now cling to the dish sponge. The abrasive green side seems to work some sort of magic, attracting and holding onto the pesky pet hair. You can easily peel off the hair from the sponge and discard it. Voila! Your clothes are hair-free, and your washing machine is in the clear.

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