Yellowed pillows need cleaning
I have already done the task of washing pillows in the past; however, my final goal was to not only clean them but also whiten them. The yellowing of our pillows, pillowcases and mattress pads is caused by the accumulation of body oils, sweat and other substances over time. Based on my experimentation with different methods, I want to share my findings. Another of my crazy inventions can be found on this page.
Okay, let’s start with the disclaimer, shall we? My pillows were cleaned and dried and as we all know, drying causes stains to become more permanent, so I was aware that I would face certain difficulties before starting my work. It is difficult to spot the yellowed stains in this picture, but I assure you that they are there and you will see more of them in the upcoming photos… In addition, I cleaned the covers of my pillowcases to do a test to see how well this works with them, maybe with mattress pads too.
The first thing you should do when washing your pillows is to clean two at a time. This will help keep your washer load even. (Look at how yellow they are; it’s gross.)
The Settings: To remove stains like this, you’ll need to set the temperature to the highest setting available and the fullest load, then select the “soak” option if you have one. If you don’t have a soaker, you’ll need to fill your washer with water and then turn it off to allow it to soak.
As an alternative to bleach, I added a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture the first time I did the process.
Vinegar, which contains half a cup, is a natural cleaning agent that also acts as a fabric softener and dissolves down stains.
Editor’s Note: This article is about using vinegar in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide. It’s OK to engage in this behavior as long as you don’t combine them in the same container (such as a bottle) but use them one at a time. When hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are combined, a caustic acid called peracetic acid is created. This acid can damage the skin, eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.
Continued on next page