Easiest Way to Clean Your Shower Head 💥 (Unbelievable Result)!


A clogged or dirty shower head can lead to reduced water pressure and an unpleasant shower experience. Luckily, there’s an incredibly easy way to clean your shower head without any scrubbing, using simple household items. Here’s the easiest method to restore your shower head to its original shine and function— and the results are unbelievable!

What You’ll Need:
White vinegar

A plastic bag (large enough to fit around the shower head)

Rubber band or twist tie


An old toothbrush (optional, for extra cleaning)

1. Fill the Bag with Vinegar
Pour enough white vinegar into the plastic bag to fully submerge the shower head.

You can dilute the vinegar slightly with water if desired (about a 1:1 ratio), but pure vinegar will work even more effectively on tough mineral deposits.

2. Attach the Bag to the Shower Head
Carefully slip the plastic bag filled with vinegar over the shower head.

Use a rubber band or twist tie to secure the bag around the neck of the shower head, ensuring the vinegar is fully covering the shower head’s nozzles.

3. Let It Soak

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