I got this recipe from my sister. Since I started taking it, my blood is clean, my liver, my intestines and my skin are radiant



Take the washed beets, peel them, cut them into cubes or thin slices and place them in the jar.
Add the raisins, flour and sugar.
Pour boiled and cooled water over the mixture and stir everything well (some people also add sauerkraut water or kombucha to boost fermentation).
Close the container with a perforated lid or gauze (to allow the kvass to breathe) and let it sit in a warm place for 6 to 7 days.
Stir the contents twice a day and remove the foam if it forms on the surface.
After a week, strain the infusion through clean gauze and your beet kvass is ready. You can discard the remains.
The taste of the kvass will be slightly acidic, salty and earthy. However, it is extremely healthy for the body and has an alkalizing effect on the blood, i.e. it has an alkaline effect.

How to take kvass? Consume 3 or 4 tablespoons of kvass three times a day before meals. Store the kvass in the refrigerator. After finishing the entire amount, you will have completed a cycle of cleansing and regenerating the body. Then take a break for 3 months and repeat the cycle. After that, another break for 3 months and repeat the cycle for the third time. After a year, your liver, kidneys, intestines, and basically your entire body will be completely cleansed and regenerated.

Some additional details about beet kvass: During consumption, you may experience mild bouts of diarrhea. This is because your body is ridding itself of toxins, which leads to these temporary detox symptoms.

Russian doctors often apply this method to their patients, as it has proven to be an excellent remedy not only for cleansing the liver, but for the entire organism.

It may even happen that, over time, you will eliminate small kidney stones through urine, which you may not even be aware of.

Contraindications: In general, consumption of beet kvass and fermented foods is not recommended for people who have significant problems with the kidneys, acute digestive problems, or gout.

In these cases, it is advisable to discuss consumption with a doctor.

Also be careful if you have low blood pressure, as it could lower it even further.”