Mix them, 10 minutes later: the secret of grandparents


You will need to take a container and put two teaspoons of fabric softener and two teaspoons of white vinegar in it . At this point, pour a glass of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda . Then, with a teaspoon or ladle, mix all the ingredients.

After introducing and mixing the different ingredients, a specific mixture will have been formed. It should be placed in a container with a spray bottle . You can spray the mixture on the various surfaces to be cleaned, including sanitary fixtures, floor joints, and tile joints. You will also use a sponge and then rinse everything with water. You will notice how the different dirty areas will be shiny and perfectly disinfected again .

Another technique is to mix fabric softener with dish soap . By combining both products with water and 70 % alcohol and placing the resulting mixture in another sprayer, you will obtain a truly valuable solution for removing dirt, dust and scratches even in the most difficult areas, such as window frames, tile joints. . and more.

We show you some simple ingredients that you can mix together for a truly amazing natural remedy to better disinfect different areas of your home.