Salt and bay leaves are worth their weight in gold at home: here are the many ingenious uses


Unexpected uses of bay leaves for home maintenance
Bay leaves

Bay is a shrub whose aromatic leaves are very popular in cooking to flavor sauces and marinades. Bay is also known for its antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. In addition to their culinary and medicinal virtues, bay leaves have other unsuspected uses, particularly in home maintenance.

Bay leaves to repel household pests
The smell of bay leaves is very effective in keeping away certain parasites and pests that invade the kitchen and pantry, such as ants, cockroaches, flies and mice. Simply scatter a few dried leaves around the kitchen, on pantry shelves, or around containers where food is stored. You can also place one or two bay leaves inside jars of flour or cereal to protect them from moths that lay their eggs in the seeds.

Bay leaves to deodorize the home
Bay leaves are effective in combating bad odors in the house or cooking odors. Simply put a few bay leaves in a pot of water and boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Diffuse this scented vapor in all the rooms of the house to deodorize them. An effective tip for diffusing a very pleasant, soft and subtle scent.

How to use salt and bay leaves together?

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