Super Clean Toilet: 3 Foolproof Tricks with White Vinegar


If you're looking for a natural alternative to industrial bathroom cleaning products, you probably already have it at home: white vinegar , and below we suggest 4 tricks for using it.

Vinegar against dark toilet stains
If you want to remove brown stains from your toilet and disinfect it thoroughly, pour 250 ml of white vinegar on its surface, let it sit for 20 minutes, then scrub with a toothbrush or sponge and rinse.

This simple operation, perhaps repeated periodically, is enough to keep the toilet very clean, sanitized and prevent the appearance of these annoying stains.

Vinegar for cleaning tiles
If your bathroom has tiles, you know how prone they are to soap scum and mold that stick to them and become really difficult to remove.

Pour 250 ml of white vinegar and 150 ml of water into a spray bottle. Apply the solution directly to the tiles and leave for 5 minutes, then scrub well with a toothbrush and finally clean with a microfiber cloth to remove residue and rinse.

Vinegar to clean shower glass
Pour 250 ml of water into a spray bottle, then add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 2 of bicarbonate of soda.

Spray the solution on the shower walls and glass and, after 15 minutes, scrub with a sponge. Finally, rinse and dry with a clean cloth.