5 tricks to eliminate bad odors from the washing machine and have better-smelling laundry


How do I get rid of the smell from my washing machine?
The first thing to do to avoid the accumulation of mold and bacteria in the washing machine is to adopt the habit of leaving the door open after each wash . This very simple operation will ensure that the drum and the door of the washing machine are well ventilated and that the humidity evaporates completely.

Use a clean cloth to dry any excess moisture or water that forms especially on the door seal.

Another tip is to wash whites at 90 degrees . The hot water will thoroughly clean the drum, eliminating all the residual dirt that often causes bad odors.

In addition to all the tips listed above, you can follow these simple home methods to keep your washing machine clean and avoid stinks .

Run a short wash cycle a couple of times a month that is sufficiently hot (above 30 degrees) using only half a liter of white vinegar . This ingredient is very powerful and very effective in eliminating bacteria from the washing machine.
Leave a bowl of baking soda in the washing machine drum immediately after each wash. Baking soda is excellent at absorbing odors.
To eliminate bad odors from the washing machine you can also use citric acid , which has a descaling and antibacterial action. Dissolve 150 grams of citric acid in a liter of water and mix well. Then run a wash at 90 degrees pouring half of the mixture (500 ml) into the detergent drawer.
Now that you know how to prevent moisture and bacteria from building up in your washing machine, always remember to follow these tips! If you already have the problem of bad odors, try applying one of the three remedies described above and let us know if they work.