7 Things Plumbers Always Do in Their Own Homes


5.Plumbers Change Their Water Filter Cartridges
Plumbers know that water filters need to be replaced regularly to keep the water clean and avoid buildup that could affect plumbing systems. They make sure to change their water filter cartridges according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6.Plumbers Check Their Water Pressure at Least Once a Year
Water pressure that’s too high or too low can lead to issues like leaky pipes, appliance damage, and inefficient water use. Plumbers check their water pressure annually to make sure it’s within the ideal range—typically 40-60 psi for most homes.

7. Plumbers Inspect Their Drains Regularly
Plumbers know the importance of keeping drains clear before problems arise. They regularly check and clean out sink, shower, and floor drains to prevent clogs from forming. A quick inspection or periodic use of a drain cleaning solution helps keep things flowing smoothly.