Burnt iron soleplate: I clean it in no time and without chemicals!


Use salt
A tip that will keep the bottom of the iron looking new is to use salt. It is really easy to do. All you need to do is place a sheet of baking paper on a work surface and sprinkle 2 to 3 handfuls of coarse salt on it. Then, you need to turn on the iron and carefully and delicately pass it over the salt. This way, you can see that the burnt residue is visible on the salt. You have no choice but to continue this process until you get a perfect plate. It is very easy.
Use lemon
In addition to salt, there is another equally simple trick to use. The underside of the iron is very clean and free of burnt stains after just a few minutes. Simply take a lemon, cut it in half and rub it vigorously on the soleplate, with the iron off. Once this work is done, take a small bowl, fill it with hot water, add a glass of vinegar and moisten a sponge with the mixture. At this point, you must rub the soleplate of the iron with the yellow part of the sponge. In this way, you will be able to remove all the lemon residue in no time. Then rub gently with the rough part of the sponge and dry with a sheet of absorbent paper. Of course, the iron must always be turned off during this cleaning work.
You have no choice but to try these home remedies with your own hands. In this way, the underside of the iron is practically like new.