Flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches will disappear from your sight with this natural method


First Lime Preparation:
Moisten the salt inside the lime by adding a teaspoon of white vinegar.
Place the lime on a saucer and position it on your balcony or close to a window.
Second Lime Preparation:
Cut the second lime transversely and fill it with coarse salt.
Instead of vinegar, add a teaspoon of fabric softener to this lime.
Use this lime as a natural deodorizer, suitable for the bathroom.
Third Lime Preparation:
Engrave the third lime in the same manner as the others.
Fill the lime with coarse salt and add cloves to it.
Place this lime in the kitchen to help eliminate insects.
Effectiveness of the Method:
The combination of limes, coarse salt, vinegar, fabric softener, and cloves creates a potent insect repellent.
This natural remedy will help keep flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches away from your living spaces effectively and inexpensively.
By following these steps and utilizing simple household ingredients, you can create a natural insect repellent that will aid in eliminating and deterring flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches from your home. Enjoy a pest-free environment with this easy-to-make and effective solution.