how to get rid of dust quickly and not let it come back with this very simple remedy


Marseille soap
After vinegar and bicarbonate, we cannot fail to mention Marseille soap, known precisely for its very delicate cleaning properties. Used since our grandmothers to obtain impeccable laundry, this product is also a godsend to eliminate dust in the house and prevent it from sticking easily.

Then fill your spray bottle with water and add just a tablespoon of liquid Marseille soap. At this stage, also add about 8 drops of citrus essential oil and your anti-dust spray is ready to use! Simply spray it on the surfaces where dust is present and then wipe it with a cloth: dust will be nothing more than a bad memory!

In fact, this mixture is effective because it forms an insulating layer between the opposite charges, thus preventing the surface from “recalling” the dust particles to itself.

Dust mixture
Finally, let’s look at one last tip to keep dust away from our surfaces: the anti-dust mix, or rather the combination of several super effective ingredients.

Then mix 2 glasses of water, 2 of vinegar, 1 of Marseille soap and 1/2 spoonful of olive oil then pour the mixture thus obtained into a bottle. At this stage, spray it on the surface to be cleaned and wipe with a cloth to collect the dust. Dusting has never been so easy!

All the ingredients combined can create a protective patina that will protect the surface from dust!

Other tips to avoid dust
So far, we have seen which ingredients to use to counter the formation of dust. Let’s now look together at other tips and tricks to follow to delay its appearance.

First of all, we advise you to clean your home regularly to avoid particular accumulations. It is equally important to always keep the house tidy, not to wear shoes and to limit the number of knick-knacks, as they tend to accumulate huge amounts of dust.

In addition, it would be good to always keep the windows closed on windy days, as the wind could bring dust residues, and to use windbreaks to insert in the cracks of the doors in order to prevent the passage of dust.

Finally, we recommend washing your bed linen every seven days, as our body loses traces of skin, hair and body fluids during the night and this contributes to the formation of dust in our home.

We remind you that it is very important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer in the maintenance, cleaning and conservation of the different components of the house.