How to get rid of skin tags.


Adhesive tape

Put a piece of duct tape on the skin tag and leave it there for 10-12 days until the skin tag falls off. This is a good homemade solution to remove skin tags.

Juice made from onions.

Slice an onion and let it sit in a container with salt overnight. Squeeze out the juice the next morning. Put this juice on the skin tag every night for 10 to 12 days. It will completely delete the tag.

Banana Skin

A banana peel can also be used to get rid of a skin tag. Cut a small piece of banana peel and place the soft side over the skin tag. Wrap it tightly with gauze and let it sit overnight. Use this treatment every day until the skin tags come off.

Oil from the tea tree.

Tea tree oil is a great natural way to remove skin tags at home. Dip a cotton ball in water and add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Now, gently rub it on the skin tag using circular movements. Do this every day, at least two times a day, for about a week until the skin tag disappears completely.

Nail polish

Nail polish can be used to remove skin tags at home. Put nail polish on the area. Allow it to rest and dry, then take it off. Do the same thing three times a day for a few days until you notice changes.