How to know how much gas a gas cylinder has Homemade trick!


Tips and Tricks
Another simple method that can help us a lot to know if there is gas in the tank is to weigh it if we have the possibility of having a scale at home. In fact, our personal scale can be used to do this, we can do a simple calculation and deduce if we still have gas in the tank.

It is important to keep in mind that there are numerous gas tanks of different materials in circulation and therefore the weight can vary in order to know exactly the correct weight of each gas tank, in order to deduce if we still have gas or not.

However, if we follow an official and recognised signature, it tells us that each cylinder contains 10 kilograms of LPG product, meaning that the total weight of the cylinder is approximately 22 kilograms including the weight of the container.

Therefore, with this data we can make an approximate calculation to know if we still have gas in our container.

How do we know how much gas a cylinder has? As we saw previously, we simply use the method of wetting the tank or container with water, which will clearly indicate the level of consumption up to that moment.