Mini homemade mosquito and fly trap, very simple to make


Take the plastic or glass container and make sure it is clean and dry.
Apply duct tape or double-sided tape around the outside of the trap. This helps prevent insects from escaping the trap once they enter.
Prepare a sweet bait by mixing sweet juice, honey diluted in water, or syrup with water.
Pour a small amount of sweet bait into the bottom of the container.
If you wish, you can add a few drops of dish soap to the sweet bait. This helps reduce the surface tension of the water, allowing for more effective capture of insects.
Place the container in an area where you have noticed mosquitoes or flies. The insects are attracted by the sweet smell and will enter the jar.
The insects are trapped in the container by the sticky paper or double-sided tape. They cannot climb up the sides to get out.
Empty the container regularly and replace the sweet bait to continue catching insects.
This simple trap can be effective in catching some mosquitoes and flies. However, it is important to note that it does not necessarily solve all problems.