Step-by-Step Home Methods: How to Repair Cracks and Cracks in Walls


How are cracks in ceilings and walls assessed?
When a specialist is called in, they will start by analyzing the severity of the cracks in the ceiling or wall. They will use tools such as a plaster stand to measure the depth of the hole. You can also analyze the latter with a graduated crack gauge to measure the width of this crack. The construction professional can also use a sample cup for the same purpose. It is thanks to these devices that the expert will be able to know if a repair intervention will be necessary.

seal the cracks

Close Cracks - Source: Homedit
How to fill a plaster wall?
Generally, plaster walls are found inside homes. The cracks that can damage them are usually superficial. Fortunately, cracking can be stopped with DIY knowledge and the right tools. To do this you will need a brush, a scraper, a putty knife, sandpaper and a putty cartridge. The first step is to widen the hole with the scraper. . Next use the brush to clean the plaster residue and sand the sides with the inside of the crack. It is time to use the putty to fill it and wait for it to dry. Use sandpaper to smooth the wall or ceiling. For a more aesthetic appearance, it will have to be repainted white or the color of your choice. Magic, right?

My wall is made of concrete: how can I repair it?
This more fragile wall material requires more extensive repair work. If the crack is superficial and not very deep, you can plug the hole in the wall by equipping yourself with the tools necessary for this action. Putty, which you can easily find in DIY stores, can seal the gap and make it disappear if the width is not very large. Smoothing or finishing smoothes the wall before painting or wallpapering it. To make the gesture easier you can use a spatula. It is important to respect the drying times indicated on the package.

What types of coating are available?
There are different types of coatings available on the market to effectively seal a crack in a wall. When a wall starts to crack, you can choose between powder or paste. The first is suitable for larger cracks, while the second has the advantage of being longer lasting and ready to use. It acts sporadically against superficial cracks. If you have a layer of powder, read the package carefully to find out how much water you should mix this DIY product with. It will then need to be poured into a medium container to be mixed. The preparation should be smooth and homogeneous. The final touch is to work the spatula into this liquid and seal the crack. Remove the excess with the tool and you just need to let it dry. Once your coating is ready for use, it will be easier for you to repair opening cracks. Whether they are vertical or horizontal, these holes must be filled with the coating that does not require any prior preparation. Apply this clay product on a spatula that you will spread on a surface that extends beyond the grooves. Make sure the liquid fills the latter by passing the tool several times. Once dry, it will be necessary to sand to remove the residue and give time for the paste to dry. After these actions, the wall will be sealed again and the potential damage from the small crack will be eliminated!

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