Toilet full of rust and limescale, forget about bleach – you can solve the problem in the kitchen


The Miracle Ingredient We All Have in the Pantry

The miracle ingredient is salt that not only comes in handy in the kitchen to prepare delicious dishes, but is also capable of disinfecting the toilet completely, eliminating germs and bacteria.

To prepare the miracle solution, salt is mixed with baking soda directly into the toilet water and left to act overnight. We prefer the night because it is the only time of the day when the bathroom is used less. The more salt and baking soda left in the toilet water, the better.

Salt, in particular, removes scale and dirt residues. There is a second foolproof method, which consists of the use of salt dissolved in hot water, this solution is especially useful for cleaning the toilet seat and lid.

Other natural remedies for washing the bathroom and removing dirt from the toilet

In addition to salt, you can use many other natural products that you have at home, such as baking soda that is capable of whitening the inside of the cup. It is applied every 15 days on the internal ceramic and on the toilet brush. Then, it is left to act for hours. Once the allotted time has elapsed, take the squeegee and rub it firmly against the walls of the toilet. This operation is to remove the embedded dirt from both the toilet and the brush. After performing the operation, remember to rinse the water.

Lemon juice is also added to baking soda , which is unbeatable against yellow stains. Two glasses of baking soda and one of lemon juice are enough, together they create a creamy paste that immediately adheres to the interior walls of the toilet. You have to let a few hours pass, once the inside of the toilet has been rinsed, the result will be formidable. Obviously, for the most stubborn inlays it is necessary to repeat the operation several times. For example, rust hardly goes away and therefore needs more patience and, in some cases, even effort.

Finally, you can try using a second compound, which consists of baking soda and white vinegar. They are mixed in hot water, which should be boiled in a pot. You wait half an hour and then flush the toilet. There may also be excess suds left, in which case you rub a little more with the squeegee and flush the toilet again.

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