Yes, baking soda cleans and polishes tiles: here’s how to use it

After removing dirt from the tiles, you can apply some natural products to make them shine. You will need a bucket of hot water to dilute the indicated product. Then, spread the water on the floor and scrub to obtain a cleaner tile than ever. As for the products to use, you can choose between the following:
Baking soda
Essential for cleaning, baking soda has many household uses. To clean tiles with this product, simply mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water. Dilute the product and pour it on the tiles before ironing it with a clean cloth.
Ammonia is a nitrogenous product based on hydrogen. An excellent disinfectant, it must be handled with care. In fact, it will be necessary to wear rubber gloves and a mask that covers the mouth and nose before using this product. To apply it, pour 4 tablespoons of ammonia into a liter of water. This degreasing product optimally cleans the most stubborn stains.
Known for its antibacterial properties, lemon is a useful ingredient for cleaning the house naturally. In fact, this citrus fruit is able to clean, disinfect and restore shine to ceramic surfaces. To use it, squeeze two lemons and dilute the juice obtained in a liter of water. You can add a spoonful of white vinegar to optimize the effectiveness of the mixture.
Alcohol can be useful for making your tiles shine. You can add it to one of the products mentioned above to get a clean and shiny floor. It is recommended to put the alcohol in a spray bottle and spread it over the entire surface to eliminate germs from the floor.
Step 3: Treat the surface thoroughly
To obtain a clean and shiny tile, you also need to adopt the right gestures. After applying the right product, you need to treat the surface thoroughly. Use a broom, a small brush or a porous cloth to scrub the tiles, removing dirt and pathogenic microbes. However, since tiles are a fragile material, do not make sudden movements when cleaning. Rub the surface gently, taking care not to leave out the corners and crevices.