How to Clean a Toilet With Vinegar and Baking Soda


Using vinegar and baking soda to clean your toilet is not just cost-effective and environmentally beneficial. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to clean your toilet spotlessly without using harsh chemicals using some everyday items.

What You’ll require:
White vinegar: renowned for its capacity to eliminate stains from hard water and for its disinfecting qualities.
Baking soda: Scrubs and deodorizes the toilet by acting as a mild abrasive.
A brush for the toilet: To scrub.
Essential oils with extra disinfecting qualities and a pleasing aroma, such as lavender or tea tree, are optional.

How to Use Baking Soda and Vinegar to Clean Your Toilet:

Get the loo ready:

To facilitate the adhesion of the vinegar and baking soda, start by flushing the toilet to moisten the bowl’s sides.
Put some vinegar on:

A cup of vinegar should be added to the toilet bowl, being careful to cover the entire rim so that it drips down the sides where bacteria and water stains collect.
Include Baking Soda:

Add around ½ cup of baking soda to the toilet bowl and its surrounding area. There will be a fizzing sound when the vinegar and baking soda react. This process aids in removing stains and grime.
To give the baking soda and vinegar’s chemical interaction time to do its magic, let the mixture sit for ten to fifteen minutes. Pay close attention to any stains or rings as you carefully scrub the bowl with the toilet brush. Remember to scrape beneath the rim to get rid of bacteria and dirt that are buried.

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