I discovered this secret in a Spanish family. Now I always cook chicken like this!


Today we bring you an incredible recipe for making Spanish chicken that will surely become one of your favorites. This method, learned from a Spanish family, is simple, quick and delicious. The result is a juicy and flavorful chicken, accompanied by a colorful garnish and a fresh salad. Below, we detail the ingredients, the preparation process and some final tips to ensure you get the best results.


Whole chicken: 1 unit
Soft butter: 200 gr
Garlic: 3 cloves
Lemon zest: from 1 lemon
Lemon: 50 gr
Salt: 1 teaspoon
Black pepper: 1 teaspoon
Sweet paprika: 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
Olive oil: 4 tablespoons
Lemon juice: 2 tablespoons
Ketchup: 2 tablespoons
Honey: 1 teaspoon
Onions: 2 units
Sweet peppers: required quantity
Cooked potatoes: required quantity

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