Secret Dentists Don’t Want You to Know: Remove Tartar and Whiten Teeth in Just 2 Minutes Using Garlic! ‎‎


A fresh garlic clove should be crushed into a paste, and then the paste should be applied directly to the gums and teeth of the individual. First, allow it to rest for one to two minutes, and then thoroughly rinse it with water. It is possible to reduce the intensity of the sensation by combining the garlic paste with a tiny quantity of salt. This combination may enhance the antibacterial properties of the garlic paste and also serve as a soft abrasive to assist in the removal of tartar.

Mouthwash with Garlic: If you want to take a less assertive approach, you may prepare a mouthwash with garlic. Before straining, let the garlic that has been minced soak in warm water for a few minutes. Before rinsing your mouth, use this water that has been infused with garlic as a mouthwash by swishing it around your mouth for about one minute.

Precautions & Safety Measures

Strong Odor Garlic is well-known for having a pungent odor that lingers for a long time. After you have finished your treatment, you may either chew on fresh parsley or mint leaves or rinse your mouth with a solution of apple cider vinegar to fight the effects of garlic breath.

Because garlic has the potential to irritate sensitive teeth and gums, it should be avoided by those who have these conditions. Before using it on a daily basis, it is essential to do a preliminary test with a tiny quantity or meet with your dentist.

In spite of the fact that garlic may help decrease germs and prevent the formation of new tartar, it is not a suitable replacement for expert dental cleaning, which is necessary in order to eliminate tartar that has already formed.

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