Do you have some raw honey at home? If not, you might want to consider getting some. Not only is this sweet treat great for your tea or drizzled on toast, but it also offers a range of health benefits. Once you learn about all the advantages listed below, you’ll want to keep honey stocked in your pantry.
1. Honey as a Natural Wound Treatment
Honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for wounds due to its antibiotic properties. Its sticky consistency and natural acidity make it effective at promoting healing. Instead of using store-bought ointments, try applying honey to cuts and scrapes for a natural treatment.
2. Honey Before Bed to Improve Sleep
Struggling with sleep? A spoonful of raw honey before bed might help. According to Medical Daily, honey increases insulin levels and stimulates the release of serotonin. The body then converts serotonin into melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep quality and duration. This can help promote a more restful night’s sleep.
3. Rehydrate with a Honey-Based Electrolyte Drink
Honey can also be a great addition to a natural electrolyte drink, boosting your energy. Try blending together 1/2 cup of orange juice, 1/2 cup of lemon juice, 2 cups of filtered water, 2–4 tablespoons of honey, and a pinch of unrefined salt for a hydrating and energizing drink.
4. Honey as an Anti-Fungal Remedy
Honey’s antibacterial properties aren’t just for wounds – it can also help treat fungal infections such as athlete’s foot or nasal infections.
5. Honey to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies
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