When we do a thorough cleaning of our entire home, we spend entire days dealing with dust, dirty clothes, dishes waiting to be washed or cleaning closets and wardrobes that look like they want to explode. There never seems to be enough time to keep the house clean and tidy: this is precisely why the FlyLady method was created.
The FlyLady method is an organization and cleaning system developed by Marla Cilley, a cleaning guru who promises to make our home more welcoming and save us a lot of time.
His proposal is based on routines designed to keep the house clean effortlessly, dedicating only 15 minutes to them. The key to the FlyLady method is precisely this: during cleaning, you should focus on specific rooms and allocate 15 minutes to each one.
The rule
of 15 minutes a day As we mentioned, this rule is the basis of the method. The only thing you have to do is dedicate 15 minutes a day to tidying up and cleaning a room in the house. To avoid wasting time, it is recommended to use a stopwatch and stop cleaning as soon as it rings.
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