Very clean toilets: 3 foolproof tricks with white vinegar


Cleaning the bathroom is one of the most difficult and time-consuming to do, partly because of the importance of keeping this area of ​​the house impeccably clean and disinfected, partly because of the variety of bacteria, limescale and dirt that accumulate there. .

But if there is a place in the bathroom that is more prone to getting dirty, it is undoubtedly the toilet. Precisely by its nature, bacteria and limescale tend to accumulate on the toilet , which ends up creating those annoying brown stains that, over time, become difficult to remove.

There are a myriad of products dedicated to cleaning the bathroom on the market , but they all have the common denominator of the abundance of chemical and harmful substances both for us and for the environment.

If you are looking for a natural alternative to industrial bathroom cleaning products, you should know that you probably already have some at home: it is white vinegar, and below we offer you 4 tips for using it.

Vinegar for black stains on the toilet
If you want to remove brown stains from the toilet and disinfect it thoroughly, pour 250 ml of white vinegar on its surface, leave it to act for 20 minutes, then scrub with a toothbrush or sponge and rinse.

This simple operation, perhaps repeated periodically, is enough to keep the toilet impeccably clean, disinfected and prevent the appearance of these annoying stains.

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