You have no idea how much money you will save after discovering this useful trick


This simple remedy, achievable in a few minutes, is really enough to solve the problem and make the remote control work again: try it and believe it.

Second trick to make the remote control work: it takes very little
The next solution is to take a pencil, insert it into the place in the compartment where one of the two batteries is missing and use another pencil to take the necessary measurement.

Remedies for the remote control
Always using a cutter, we will obtain the portion of pencil that interests us, finishing it correctly inside a regular pencil sharpener. By doing this, the piece of pencil obtained will have two ends with the lead.

This time, you don’t even need to add aluminum to make the remote work. In fact, you just have to insert the part of the pencil inside the compartment, so that it replaces the missing battery.

Does it really take so little to make the remote work? Well yes. Just do a test to make sure that our instrument works perfectly again.

Both of these systems are very effective not only with the TV remote control, but also with the air conditioner remote control, essential during the summer months.