Getting into the habit of using coarse salt to wash clothes in the washing machine will also preserve the brightness of the colors of our clothes and prevent the annoying yellowing that we sometimes experience.

For this to happen, just soak the clothes for a few hours in water and coarse salt; Once this time has passed, we can proceed to machine wash it without rinsing .
Cleaning and maintenance
In addition to preserving the beauty and durability of clothing and lingerie, rock salt is also effective in cleaning and maintaining our washing machines.

As we have already mentioned, coarse salt is capable of making water less calcareous, so it can also be used to eliminate dirt residues that, over time, can accumulate inside the drum and pipes of our washing machines. .
For thorough cleaning, simply pour a 1kg package into the basket and vacuum wash at high temperature .
A small cup of coarse salt in the drum of the washing machine when it is not running will also prevent moisture, mold and odor from building up .