Don’t Throw Away Toilet Paper Tubes: Here Are 4 Smart Ways to Use Them


A Halloween-themed toilet paper tube craft
A Halloween-themed toilet paper tube craft
Sculpt crushed faces with toilet paper rolls
If you consider yourself an artist at heart and you are also a jack of all trades, you can use the toilet paper tube to model faces with wacky expressions. A hobby that can be particularly enjoyable between parents and children.

Make gift bags with toilet paper rolls
If you are short of ideas and are looking to stimulate your children or students, you can make gift bags with toilet paper tubes. This could be a very interesting activity. Not only is the approach fun and creates an atmosphere of sharing at the same time, but it also allows you to recycle this object by giving it a second life.

Make the toilet paper roll a decorative asset
Christmas decoration; two snowmen made with toilet paper rolls
Christmas decoration; two snowmen made with toilet paper rolls
If for example you want to celebrate a child’s birthday and you want to bring objects to life to create a kind of Christmas scene, the tubes could very well do the trick. Let your imagination run wild and create characters and other concepts. The possibilities are endless.