Many housewives have encountered a situation when rice prepared as a side dish turns into mush or is not cooked through, and even sticks to the pan!
Today I will share with you my recipe for making rice as a side dish.
I just never cook rice as a side dish, I only cook it this way: I am always sure of the result - grain by grain and much tastier
✨Here I don’t control the process of boiling water, everything is much easier to prepare.
✨And the final result is simply perfect – literally grain by grain. I’m sure there are many housewives who will find this recipe useful!🥰
📕Ingredients for cooking:🥙
The quantity is of course adjustable!
Rice – 1 cup
Garlic – 2 cloves
Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
Salt – 0.5 tsp.
Spices (Provencal herbs, paprika, black pepper) – to taste
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