These Tricks Will Save You When Your Key Fob D-i-es


Step 3: Put the mechanical key back into the key fob and close it.

Use the key fob to push the START button. Rather than using your finger as you normally would, press the key fob against the button. This is a backup system many manufacturers use to ensure the car can start even when the fob is dead.

In certain vehicles, you can start the engine with a hidden key fob slot. For instance, some Ford models have a backup slot inside the cup holder. The slot is the perfect size to fit your fob. Slide the dead key fob inside the slot, then use the push button start as usual.

If both these methods don’t work, check for a physical key slot in the steering column (some Mazda models have this feature). Insert the mechanical key into the key slot to start the car.

Other Ways To Unlock Your Car

Access the car remotely.

If your car has an app, use it to unlock your car from your phone. Once mostly a luxury feature, now most car manufacturers offer an app. The FordPass Connect app, MyMazda app, myChevrolet mobile app, and Toyota app all allow you to unlock your car doors from your phone. You’ll need to set up these apps before your key fob dies, and some remote services may charge a monthly fee.

Get closer.

If your key fob isn’t working from the usual distance, the battery might just be low, not completely dead. In this case, your car might unlock if you move closer. Place your key fob right against the door handle and press the unlock button.

Call roadside assistance.

If all else fails, call for help. Before running into trouble, confirm your insurance covers roadside assistance, then save the number on your phone. Keep another copy in your purse or wallet in case your phone is dead (or locked in the car!).