Been doing this wrong my entire life


Jade trees, also known as Crassula ovata, are popular succulent houseplants known for their fleshy, oval-shaped leaves and tree-like appearance. Native to South Africa, these resilient plants can thrive in a variety of conditions, making them a favorite among both novice and experienced gardeners. When properly cared for, jade trees can grow into impressive specimens, reaching heights of up to three feet indoors. However, to achieve such growth, understanding the plant’s needs, particularly in terms of pruning, is essential. Pruning not only helps maintain the desired shape and size but also encourages vigorous growth and a healthier plant overall.
Understanding the Basics of Jade Tree Pruning
Pruning is a critical aspect of jade tree care that involves selectively removing certain parts of the plant, such as branches, buds, or leaves. The primary goals of pruning are to shape the plant, remove dead or diseased parts, and stimulate new growth. For jade trees, pruning is particularly important because it helps maintain a balanced structure, prevents legginess, and encourages the development of a thicker trunk and more branches, which are key to a robust and aesthetically pleasing plant.

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